It may be stated without fear of contradiction that Professor Charles E. Townsend of Princeton University has been the most influential writer on Russian and Slavic grammar in the United States. Every graduate student devours his Russian Word-Formation, and returns to it over and over through his or her academic career. Many Slavists have studied Czech or Common Slavic from his books; and still others have studied or taught Russian from his textbooks. This volume in his honor features articles by his colleagues and former students devoted to four vital areas enriched by Charles Townsend's own scholarship and teaching: Language Function; Language Form: Phonology; Language Form: Morphology & Syntax; and Language in Context.
Charles E. Townsend: An Appreciation 1
Form, Function, and Context: A Quest to Revel the Systems of Language 7
*Form, Function, and Context: A Quest to Reveal the Systems of Language
Edna Andrews
Russian Derivational Morphology and Shifting Reference 11
Catherine V. Chvany
On Mnemonics, Word-Nests, and Etymologies 19
Laura A. Janda
Cases in Collision, Cases in Collusion: The Semantic Space of Case in Czech and Russian 43
Susan C. Kresin
Demonstratives, Definite Articles and Clines of Grammaticalization: Evidence from Russian and Spoken Czech 63
*Language Form: Phonology
Christina Y. Bethin
Czech Stress in the Context of West Slavic 75
Ronald F. Feldstein
On the Classification of Ukrainian Nominal Stress Paradigms 91
Frank Y. Gladney
On Length and Accent in Czech Nouns 105
Borjana Velčeva and Ernest Scatton
Цалчбкама сц е целубка: A Problem in Bulgarian Historical Dialectology 119
Dean S. Worth
Microphilology and Textology: the Monomax Section of the Boris and Gleb Skazanie 125
*Language Form: Morphology & Syntax
Leonard H. Babby
Bare Infinitives, Predicate Adjectives, and Control in Russian 135
Marjorie McShane
Out of the Box; Biljana Sljivic-Simsic: Verbal Stems in -‹a and -ja in the Contemporary Serbian Language 147
Biljana Slijivic-Simsic
Verbal Stems in -ča and -ja in the Comtemporary Serbian Language 157
Cynthia M. Vakareliyska
Na-Drop Revisited: Omission of the Dative Marker in Bulgarian Dative Object Doubling Constructions 165
*Language in Context
Eva Eckert
Language Variation, Contact and Shift in Tombstone Inscriptions 193
Masako U. Fidler
Relational Features in Political Language: A Comparison of Speeches by Havel, Clinton and Mori; Emily Klenin: Russian Word Formation and the Heron 213
Emily Klenin
Russian Word Formation and the Heron 229
JiÞ’ Kraus
Orality/Literacy Contrast in the Development of Language Description 237
Mark R. Lauersdorf
Slovak Standard Language Development in the 15thÐ18th Centuries: A Diglossia Approach 245
Michael K. Launer
Innovative Nominal and Adjectival Word-Formation Models in Technical Russian 265
Peter Rehder
On the (Socio)Linguistic Status of the Bosnian Language Today 287
Petr Sgall
Spoken Czech Revisited. 299